Level 5 Leader in Adult Care
This opportunity is based on undertaking the qualification through an apprenticeship framework. You must be employed by a Durham County Council commissioned pro...
Permanent Gypsy, Roma and Traveller sites
We have six permanent Gypsy, Roma and Traveller sites in County Durham.
Design Code Supplementary Planning Document consultation (stage two)
Following on from our initial consultation in the spring of this year, we want your views on the amended County Durham Design Code Supplementary Planning Docume...
Terms and conditions when booking Education Durham training courses
Courses will be delivered both face to face and online, with the majority of the virtual sessions being held through Microsoft Teams. Joining instructions will ...
Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) requests
Find out how you can make an EIR request.
Salt bins
Request a new or refilled salt (grit) bin and find your nearest salt bin by postcode.
Resources to support adoptive parents
If you're adopting (or have adopted) a child, this page contains additional useful information.
About the County Durham Cree Network
Cree groups are part of County Durham's thriving voluntary and community sector. 40 Cree groups operate to support and promote the health and wellbeing of Count...
Adoption Support Passport (ASP)
Find out about the Adoption Support Passport.
Disability staff network
We seek to promote the abilities and qualities of people who have a disability, challenge attitudes and support people to lead the life they want and enable cha...