Appeal against the offer of a school place
If your child does not get a place at any of the primary or secondary schools you applied for, you can appeal against this decision.
Apply to change school during the school year
If you're moving house, moving into County Durham, or have another reason for wanting to change schools, the information on this page will help.
Children missing education
Making sure children are safe, well and receive a good education is all our responsibility. This page offers information on what to do if you feel a child is mi...
Educate your child at home
You can teach your child at home, either full or part-time. This is called home education (sometimes 'elective home education' or 'home schooling').
Education Durham - school improvement service
We offer you first-class bespoke support packages to challenge and improve your school.
School governors
The role of the school governor is demanding but very rewarding and is a good way to give back to your local community. School governing bodies work with school...
Waste and recycling for community groups and schools
This page provides community groups and schools with information and resources on waste and recycling in County Durham.
The Durham Virtual School - supporting our looked after and previously looked after children and young people
Our Virtual School promotes the education of looked after children and previously looked after children and young people.
Environmental education
We offer environmental education sessions to schools, youth groups and community groups free of charge.
Health promotion in County Durham schools
We are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of children, young people and adults in County Durham.