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Greener shopping habits

Make your shopping habits greener and you'll reduce your waste and save money at the same time.

As well as not buying more than you will use, changing your shopping choices can be better for the environment.

Shopping bags 

  • Invest in strong reusable shopping bags. 
  • Re-use carrier bags.
  • Take advantage of store reward schemes who often give points for shoppers who reuse bags.

Product packaging 

  • Buy products made from recycled materials eg tissues and bin liners - look out for the recycling symbol. 
  • Buy products with recyclable packaging such as glass jars, cardboard boxes and plastic bottles. 
  • Choose products with less packaging - only what's necessary to protect the product. 
  • Choose refills for items like washing powder, coffee, beauty products and fabric conditioner which can be put into the original container. 
  • Buy loose fruit and vegetables.
  • Buy local produce at markets and shops - not only does it usually have less packaging but it will reduce the miles the product has travelled to get to you.  


  • Buy non-perishable products such as pasta, rice, washing powder, shampoo and beauty products in bulk. 
  • Avoid single use or disposable items, eg razors, nappies, paper plates and cups. 
  • Buy rechargeable batteries. 
  • Reduce your waste at Christmas

Did you know?

  • Up to a quarter of the rubbish we throw away is packaging. 
  • Plastic bags take around 100 years to decompose.
  • You can re-use and share things for free at Freecycle

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