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Bishop Auckland Towns Fund

The Towns Fund is a £3.6 billion fund established by the government to level up towns and cities around the country. Bishop Auckland is one of 100 places eligible to bid for funding to improve the economy, develop the town and attract jobs and long-term investment.

Through the Towns Fund Board we are talking to residents, businesses and other organisations to identify:

  • which projects will be delivered
  • what funding is required
  • how these projects will fit into long-term plans for the area

We need to bring together firm proposals developed in co-ordination with local communities, partners and other stakeholders that will bring a positive impact to Bishop Auckland.

As part of the scheme we are eligible to bid for up to £25 million in funding that will help deliver a huge economic social and cultural benefit to the town.

The Board

The Bishop Auckland Town Deal Board is made up of community representatives, local businesses and other organisations with an interest in the future development of Bishop Auckland. They meet quarterly, or as required, to discuss funding initiatives and ideas to be included in the final bid.

The Board have agreed Terms of Reference, a Code of Conduct and align with our equality and diversity.

Decision making process

The Bishop Auckland Town Board is chaired by an independent Chair. It is based on working together in the spirit of partnership working and follows Nolan principles. All decisions will be made in accordance with the following principles:

  • Consultation will be carried out where appropriate (including taking relevant professional advice from officers).
  • There will be a presumption in favour of open and transparent decision making.
  • There will be a clarity of aims and desired outcomes.
  • All decisions will be taken as members of the Bishop Auckland Town Board and not on behalf of specific organisations or areas.

Members of Bishop Auckland Town Board are required to declare any interests, gifts or hospitality which they may receive which could influence any decisions they may make as board members.

Meetings and agendas

The agenda and minutes of Town Board meetings can be found at Bishop Auckland Stronger Town Board agenda and minutes.

Funded by Uk Government logo

In partnership with

  • Funded by Uk Government

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