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Ireshopeburn Newhouse and West Blackdene Conservation Area

Ireshopeburn, Newhouse and West Blackdene Conservation Area covers three settlements near the head of Weardale.

Ireshopeburn is located on the south side of the River Wear over the valley floor where the Ireshopeburn drops and moves across the valley basin. The settlement has stretched to the east where it runs along both sides of the A689.

Newhouse clusters around the former mine agent's house on Well Bank on the north side of the river overlooking the village.

West Blackdene, 200 metres to the west of Ireshopeburn, sits beside the Wear on its northern bank.

The villages are 30 miles west of Durham City.

The Conservation Areas for all three settlements were designated in November 1993, and amended in December 2011 when the two areas were merged and extended.

Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Proposals

To ensure County Durham's conservation areas are properly managed, we are producing Conservation Area Appraisal documents that will help raise awareness of their special character and interest. The Ireshopeburn, Newhouse and West Blackdene Conservation Area Appraisal recommends ways to improve and to manage change as well as providing an interesting history and snapshot of the area.

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