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Sepsis Awareness course

This course is delivered in partnership with North East Ambulance Service (NEAS)

The course aims to raise awareness of sepsis and teach professionals how to reduce the risks associated with it.

Sepsis is the body's systemic inflammatory response to microbial infection which can cause organ damage, shock, and eventual death. It has been referred to before as a 'silent killer', and it is easy to understand why. Silent, because it can be extremely difficult to identify for both professionals and the public alike, with symptoms often suggesting less serious illnesses such as influenza. Estimates suggest that there are around 37,000 deaths per year associated with it. This course aims to raise awareness of sepsis and learn professionals how to reduce the risks associated with it.

Who the course is for

This course is designed to provide an overview of sepsis to care workers, it is also suitable as refresher training for nurses.

Learning method

The course is delivered by North East Ambulance Service paramedic trainer via a 2-hour webinar followed by a multiple-choice online assessment.

What you will learn

The course will help you understand:

  • What is sepsis?
  • Raise awareness of sepsis in the community
  • What are the causes and who is more vulnerable?
  • What are the signs & symptoms?
  • What to do if signs & symptoms present?
  • How to reduce the risk of sepsis

Course benefits

This course will help professionals understand what sepsis is and gain the knowledge to spot the signs of sepsis and what to do in this event.

Course dates and times

  • Friday 7 February 2025 - 11.30am to 1.30pm  

How to book

Apply for a NEAS Sepsis Awareness, Hydration or Respiratory Conditions course.

Care Academy Care Academy - mobile version

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