Training for staff working in Durham County Council Commissioned Services
The Care Academy is committed to offering a range of quality training and development opportunities to social care providers in County Durham (or those outside of the County that are commissioned to work with County Durham Service Users).
This training is funded directly through the Care Academy and is only available to staff working with our commissioned providers. Please note that bookings need to be made with agreement from your line manager and is subject to the Care Academy's cancellation policy (see Care Academy provider charging policy for training course cancellations or non-attendance for details).
- Bowel Care and Management
- Care planning training
- Care Home Assistant Practitioner (CHAPs)
- Defensible documentation training
- Effective Complaint Handling for Care Providers
- End of Life Care and Anticipatory Medication
- Fluids and Nutrition including Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST)
- Focus on Undernutrition
- Focus on Undernutrition Refresher Catering Course on Menu Planning and Special Diets
- How to identify and treat undernutrition in older person's care home
- How to identify and treat undernutrition in learning disability and other care settings
- Hydration course
- Level 2 Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities (including PBS units)
- Namaste care
- Respiratory conditions course
- Risk assessment training
- Sepsis Awareness course
- Venepuncture (phlebotomy) training
- Single Handed Care - Assisted Moving and Handling
eLearning Courses
- Behaviour that challenges course
- Care planning course
- Dementia awareness course
- Dignity in Care course
- End of life course
- End of Life Care in Care Homes and Domiciliary Care Settings course
- End of Life Dementia Care course
- Epilepsy course
- Falls awareness course
- Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
- Parkinson's disease
- Personal care
- Professional boundaries
- The Oliver McGowan Training on Learning Disability and Autism course
Management and Leadership Programme
We also offer a wide range of courses to help you get fully accredited qualifications in many different subjects. See Care Academy courses for further information.