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See our Changes to County Durham bin collections at Christmas page to find out when your bin will be collected over the festive period.

School transport policies and strategies

We have home to school/college transport policies and strategies that provide information and guidance for children and young people of different ages.

Home to school/college transport policy

This policy applies to our duty to provide "home to school" travel arrangements at the start of the day, and "school to home" travel arrangements at the end of the day. 

The policy will give you a clear indication of whether your child or young person will qualify for free home to school/college travel. However, it is important to note that all applications for free transport will be assessed by us and an assumption about the award of free transport should not be made until notification has been received in writing. 

Full details of home to school transport, including how to appeal if you are not satisfied with the assessment outcome or the transport arrangements are unreasonable, are laid out in our Home to primary, secondary and special school and college travel and transport policy (PDF, 302 KB).

If you wish to comment on the policy please Contact School and College Transport

Post-16 Transport Policy Statement

Local councils have a duty to prepare and publish an annual transport policy statement specifying the arrangements for the provision of transport, or otherwise, that we consider necessary to help everyone of sixth form age receive education or training.

Download the policy statement for learners in further education aged 16-18 and continuing learners aged 19 and over. 

Sustainable modes of travel strategy

We must promote the use of sustainable travel and transport and there are four main elements to this:

  • assessing travel and transport needs of children and young people
  • auditing sustainable travel and transport infrastructure in the council
  • having a strategy to develop a sustainable travel and transport infrastructure within the council to better cater for the travel and transport needs of children and young people
  • promoting sustainable travel and transport modes on the journey to, from and between schools and other institutions.

We have a large number of existing strategies and policies which set out what all agencies and services have committed to achieve for the children and young people of Durham. These have been based on a thorough analysis of needs and on the things that schools, parents, children and young people themselves have told us matter most to them.

Our sustainable home to school travel strategy - County Durham Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy (PDF, 144 KB) - pulls together all relevant strategies and policies into one document.

It enables us to develop a more integrated approach across agencies and our services to improve outcomes for children and young people, in addition to ensuring they have safe and equitable access to education.

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