Privacy notices and data protection
Find out how and why we collect information about you, what we collect and who we share it with. Be aware of your rights, how to correct things that are wrong, and how to object to us using the data.
Our Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) registration number Z1808275.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legally controls what data can be collected and what can be done with it. Our Corporate privacy notice explains how we will deal with your data.
Below is a summary of what our Corporate Privacy Notice means.
We collect your personal data in a variety of ways, for example, when you create an online customer account, fill in a form (online or paper), speak to us on the phone or face to face.
When we no longer require your personal data, it is deleted according to our retention guidelines.
Data collected by us is generally processed within the UK and the EEA, and meets UK government security policy.
The data we collect can include the following:
- Name and contact details: we collect your name, address, email address, phone number and similar contact details to help provide you with services and to contact you in relation to those services. If you have given specific permission, we also use these for marketing purposes for services/events provided by us or by others in the local area. If you have given specific permission for third party marketing, we may also pass this data to third parties for carefully selected marketing relevant to you.
- Demographic data: this can include age, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexuality, disability and ethnicity in order to fulfil our obligations under the Equalities Act 2010. This data is not personally identifiable and is managed separately from other data. We also use aggregated data from other services to inform our planning of services. We cannot identify individuals from the data, but it will include matters such as health, police information and financial information.
- Device and usage data: when you connect to us online, we collect data about pages you have visited, completed actions, error messages, device operating system, region and language settings. This data do not allow us to identify you, and is used to improve our services.
- Preferences and account data: if our systems include the ability to create accounts using a username/password. If you have created an account, we may store data in all the categories referenced elsewhere on this page, including sensitive data, with your account. This allows us to retrieve this data to auto-fill forms for you and present you with data about your past requests to us. Some systems may allow a guest logon or anonymous requests. You cannot retrieve history under a guest logon.
- Financial data: if you would like to apply for or pay for services online, we will need your financial information which is added to secure third party systems. We also collect data about income, outgoings, savings and assets owned in order to provide services to you. These include matters such as benefits and provision of social care. We additionally receive financial data about you from third parties e.g. credit rating agencies.
- Health and care data: if you are using one of our health or social care services, we collect data about your health, including medical conditions and disabilities which we need to provide that service to you. We additionally receive health data about you from third parties such as your healthcare provider eg NHS under a series of multi-agency sharing agreements. If you are an adult receiving social care support from us, then the NHS may share your NHS number with us. This is so that both organisations are using the same number to identify you whilst providing your care. We will use this number when sharing information with health colleagues including GP's, hospitals, community matrons, district nurses and social care practitioners.
We use data about you to provide you with services, communicate with you, to plan our services, and to personalise your experience:
- providing services to you: this includes charging for services and collection of taxes eg collection of council tax
- communicating with you: this includes replying to requests you make, explaining how your services work, confirming competition prizes
- planning our services: this includes helping to plan our current and future services, eg the best places to offer a service, and is often anonymised (data from which you are not personally identifiable)
- personalising your experience: allowing us to show you services that are relevant to you
- legal requirements: eg for the prevention and detection of crime
We will not direct market to you unless you give us your specific consent.
Our summary retention guidelines show how long we will hold different types of data: Retention guidelines - at a glance (PDF, 208 KB). Please Contact Information Governance if you would like to see our full retention schedule.
We share your personal data with a range of organisations to provide you with services, plan services and to ensure that crime is prevented or detected.
- Third party organisations delivering services on our behalf: this sharing is covered by agreements to maintain your privacy to the same level as we require of ourselves, and data shared is strictly restricted to that necessary for delivering services.
- Central government, health and social care, police: we share data with these organisations, as required by law, for the delivery of service, prevention and detection of crime, public health, safety and service planning. Where sharing is not required by law, it is covered in our privacy agreements with you.
- Children and adult services professionals: we only share information with professionals who are directly involved in providing services, support, care or treatment to you. This may include doctors, nurses, teachers, care workers, social workers, foster carers or family workers.
- Marketing: we will only share your details with 3rd parties to send you direct marketing, if you have given us your express consent.
To find out more about your rights, and how you can control your personal data see our Find out what information we hold about you page.
A cookie is a small piece of code that can be stored on your computer, phone or whatever you use to surf the Internet by the websites you visit. Cookies have many uses, which may include storing information about you. Find out more information about the cookies we use on our website.
We have several systems (portals) that allow you to register to use them and create an account. These include our customer services account, planning portal and parent portal.
Registering with one of these portals allows us to simplify your access to our services. By storing your personal data in the accounts we are able to automatically fill in basic data about you and your circumstances so you don't have to do it more than once. By linking your accounts from our internal systems, we can show you information from these systems and make it easier for you to manage your relationship with us.
We are revising our portal information and it will be updated very shortly.
We use a variety of techniques to ensure the privacy of your personal data and protect it from unauthorised disclosure or access. These include physical security, encryption at rest and in transit, multi-factor authentication and intrusion detection systems.
We will update this privacy information as required. If there are significant changes we will notify you either by a notice when you logon or directly sending you a notification. We encourage you to periodically review this statement.
Our registration number is Z1808275.
If you want to get in touch with us about anything on this page, please Contact Information Governance.
Privacy notices
We have a wide range of purposes for which we gather data, all aimed at providing you with the best possible service. Every time you are asked to submit personal or sensitive data to us, you should be made aware of the privacy notice relating to the service you receive from us.
Below is a list of all our privacy notices. If you can't see the one you need, Contact Information Governance.
- Privacy notice - Best Bar None (PDF, 34 KB)
- Privacy notice - Bishop Auckland HAZ (PDF, 155 KB)
- Privacy notice - building control (PDF, 35 KB)
- Privacy notice - Business Durham (PDF, 129 KB)
- Privacy notice - Business Durham (business space team) (PDF, 43 KB)
- Privacy notice - Business Durham (opportunities programme) (PDF, 87 KB)
- Privacy notice - business rates (PDF, 39 KB)
- Privacy notice - business regulatory advice (PDF, 170 KB)
- Privacy notice - Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (training) (PDF, 53 KB)
- Privacy notice - child employment (PDF, 123 KB)
- Privacy notice - Community Led Local Development (CLLD) funding
- Privacy Notice - European Social Fund (ESF) funding
- Privacy notice - Digital Durham (PDF, 35 KB)
- Privacy notice - Durham Employment and Skills (PDF, 118 KB)
- Privacy notice - land charges (PDF, 29 KB)
- Privacy notice - licensing - European Services Licence (PDF, 61 KB)
- Privacy notice - licensing - taxis (PDF, 64 KB)
- Privacy notice - occupational safety (PDF, 164 KB)
- Privacy notice - procurement (bidding organisations) (PDF, 55 KB)
- Privacy notice - retail support (PDF, 124 KB)
- Privacy notice - road permits (PDF, 193 KB)
- Privacy notice - safety advisory group (PDF, 58 KB)
- Privacy notice - UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) (PDF, 178 KB)
- Privacy notice - Adopt Coast to Coast (PDF, 181 KB)
- Privacy notice - Aycliffe Secure Centre (PDF, 138 KB)
- Privacy notice - child employment (PDF, 123 KB)
- Privacy notice - children and young people's network (PDF, 113 KB)
- Privacy notice for DurhamLearn
- Privacy notice - Durham Youth Council (PDF, 241 KB)
- Privacy notice - Early Help Services, Stronger Families and Family Hubs and Start For Life Programme (PDF, 185 KB)
- Privacy notice - early years providers (PDF, 157 KB)
- Privacy notice - fostering and adoption (PDF, 139 KB)
- Privacy notice - holiday activities with healthy food (PDF, 162 KB)
- Privacy notice - Local Authority Designated Officer (PDF, 162 KB)
- Privacy notice - Local Safeguarding Children's Board (PDF, 38 KB)
- Privacy notice - Local Safeguarding Children's Board (training) (PDF, 36 KB)
- Privacy notice - Pause Durham (PDF, 127 KB)
- Privacy notice - progression and learning (PDF, 145 KB)
- Privacy notice for Supported Lodgings
- Privacy notice - AAPs (PDF, 139 KB)
- Privacy notice - AAPs (consultations) (PDF, 35 KB)
- Privacy notice - asset management (PDF, 37 KB)
- Privacy notice - buildings and facilities management (lifts) (PDF, 127 KB)
- Privacy notice - children adults and health (legal) (PDF, 154 KB)
- Privacy notice - committee services (PDF, 105 KB)
- Privacy notice for consultations
- Privacy notice - corporate fraud (PDF, 134 KB)
- Privacy notice - corporate fraud (data matching) (PDF, 140 KB)
- Privacy notice - durham pension fund (PDF, 43 KB)
- Privacy notice - electoral services (PDF, 117 KB)
- Privacy notice - human resources (external workers) (PDF, 148 KB)
- Privacy notice - fleet services (PDF, 35 KB)
- Privacy notice - fleet services (private works) (PDF, 28 KB)
- Privacy notice - governance and litigation (PDF, 153 KB)
- Privacy notice - health and safety (staff) (PDF, 40 KB)
- Privacy notice - health and safety (non-staff) (PDF, 41 KB)
- Privacy notice - human resources (PDF, 169 KB)
- Privacy notice - human resources (external workers) (PDF, 148 KB)
- Privacy notice - internal audit (PDF, 131 KB)
- Privacy notice - internal audit (insurable claims) (PDF, 111 KB)
- Privacy notice - commercial and land charges (PDF, 93 KB)
- Privacy notice - member (councillor) support (PDF, 226 KB)
- Privacy notice - occupational health (PDF, 126 KB)
- Privacy notice - partnership and community engagement (PDF, 144 KB)
- Privacy notice - resources and development (PDF, 36 KB)
- Privacy notice - strategy and projects (RLS) (PDF, 54 KB)
- Privacy notice - Toft Hill Bypass consultation (PDF, 140 KB)
- Privacy notice - training and development - accreditation (RLS) (PDF, 29 KB)
- Privacy notice - training and development - registration cards (RLS) (PDF, 29 KB)
- Privacy notice - training and development (RLS) (PDF, 29 KB)
- Privacy notice - work experience (PDF, 92 KB)
- Privacy notice - anti-social behaviour and wardens (PDF, 132 KB)
- Privacy notice - BEEP (PDF, 162 KB)
- Privacy notice - Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (training) (PDF, 53 KB)
- Privacy notice - civic pride (PDF, 29 KB)
- Privacy notice - clean and green (PDF, 29 KB)
- Privacy notice - environment and design (PDF, 185 KB)
- Privacy notice - environment protection (PDF, 160 KB)
- Privacy notice - food safety (PDF, 127 KB)
- Privacy notice - pest control (domestic) (PDF, 30 KB)
- Privacy notice - archaeology (PDF, 32 KB)
- Privacy notice - customer account (PDF, 31 KB)
- Privacy notice - Durham History Centre (PDF, 130 KB)
- Privacy notice - Durham Record Office (PDF, 98 KB)
- Privacy notice - Durham Record Office (volunteers) (PDF, 97 KB)
- Privacy notice - emergency plans (PDF, 54 KB)
- Privacy notice - information management (PDF, 37 KB)
- Privacy notice - libraries (PDF, 33 KB)
- Privacy notice - partnership and community engagement (PDF, 144 KB)
- Privacy notice - photography and filming (PDF, 157 KB)
- Privacy notice - social media (PDF, 130 KB)
- Privacy notice - allotments (PDF, 29 KB)
- Privacy notice - Brass Festival (PDF, 142 KB)
- Privacy notice - culture and sport (general) (PDF, 158 KB)
- Privacy notice - culture and sport (volunteering) (PDF, 37 KB)
- Privacy notice - festivals and events (PDF, 103 KB)
- Privacy notice - gym and swim membership (PDF, 63 KB)
- Privacy notice - parks and countryside (PDF, 86 KB)
- Privacy notice - swimming lessons (PDF, 146 KB)
- Privacy notice - theatre and cinema (PDF, 35 KB)
- Privacy notice - Thrive (PDF, 145 KB)
- Privacy notice - wellbeing (PDF, 174 KB)
- Privacy notice - asset management (PDF, 37 KB)
- Privacy notice - building control (PDF, 35 KB)
- Privacy notice - buildings and facilities management (lifts) (PDF, 127 KB)
- Privacy notice for housing development
- Privacy notice - land charges (PDF, 29 KB)
- Privacy notice - planning applications (PDF, 35 KB)
- Privacy notice - spatial policy (PDF, 38 KB)
- Privacy notice - blue badges (PDF, 212 KB)
- Privacy notice - disabled registrations (PDF, 86 KB)
- Privacy notice - integrated passenger transport (PDF, 105 KB)
- Privacy notice - licensing - taxis (PDF, 64 KB)
- Privacy notice - parking (PDF, 36 KB)
- Privacy notice - road permits (PDF, 193 KB)
- Privacy notice - roads (PDF, 32 KB)
- Privacy notice - street lighting and illuminated signs (PDF, 28 KB)
- Privacy notice for DurhamLearn
- Privacy notice - education support (PDF, 141 KB)
- Privacy notice - newly qualified teachers support (PDF, 124 KB)
- Privacy notice - progression and learning (PDF, 145 KB)
- Privacy notice - progression and learning (employers) (PDF, 118 KB)
- Privacy notice - school and governors support service (PDF, 121 KB)
- Privacy notice - special educational needs support (PDF, 140 KB)
- Privacy notice - The Woodlands (PDF, 120 KB)
- Privacy notice - adult and health services (PDF, 198 KB)
- Privacy notice - adult care (learning disabilities and mental health) (PDF, 427 KB)
- Privacy notice - blue badges (PDF, 212 KB)
- Privacy notice - Care Academy (PDF, 183 KB)
- Privacy notice - care connect (PDF, 68 KB)
- Privacy notice - children's social care (PDF, 161 KB)
- Privacy notice - County Durham Together Community Champions (PDF, 86 KB)
- Privacy notice - direct payments (PDF, 31 KB)
- Privacy notice - disabled registrations (PDF, 86 KB)
- Privacy notice - financial assessments (residential and non-residential care) (PDF, 149 KB)
- Privacy notice - hearing and sight impaired registrations (PDF, 170 KB)
- Privacy notice - Local Authority Designated Officer (PDF, 162 KB)
- Privacy notice - public health (PDF, 193 KB)
- Privacy notice - Safeguarding Adults Board (PDF, 58 KB)
- Privacy notice - Safeguarding Adults Board (easy read) (PDF, 290 KB)
- Privacy notice - Safeguarding Adults Board (training) (PDF, 158 KB)
- Privacy notice - Shared Lives (PDF, 148 KB)
- Privacy notice - bereavement services (PDF, 32 KB)
- Privacy notice - Channel Panel (PDF, 149 KB)
- Privacy notice - Community Renewal Fund (PDF, 167 KB)
- Privacy notice - consumer protection (PDF, 43 KB)
- Privacy notice - County Durham Outreach and Support (PDF, 165 KB)
- Privacy notice - Employability Durham (PDF, 139 KB)
- Privacy notice - Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (PDF, 165 KB)
- Privacy notice - Housing Solutions (PDF, 248 KB)
- Privacy notice - North East Associated Directors of Adult Social Services (PDF, 118 KB)
- Privacy notice - registrars (PDF, 175 KB)
- Privacy notice - Vulnerability Intervention Pathway Service (PDF, 117 KB)
- Privacy notice - youth justice service (PDF, 208 KB)