Supporting special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) - templates, referral forms and reports
Templates, referral forms and reports that professionals can use when supporting children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
These templates show the type of information that is required detailing what professionals know about a child/young person. The advice provided should be used by the setting when requesting an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC) assessment, and/or reviewing an existing EHC plan. Settings submitting a request for Top Up funding should complete the new Educational Advice template.
Some of the documents on this page are not be accessible. They have been created for print purposes to be used by practitioners and are not for use by the general public. If, for any reason, you cannot access the documents and need an alternative format, please contact us.
Referral forms
Early years
- EY1 application for Early Years SEND support funding (word version) (Word doc, 56 KB)
- EY1 application for Early Years SEND support funding (PDF version) (PDF, 273 KB)
- A1 individual application for Early Years SEN Inclusion Funding (Word doc, 39 KB)
- A1 individual application for Early Years SEN Inclusion Funding (PDF, 151 KB)
- A2 group application for Early Years SEN Inclusion Funding (Word doc, 39 KB)
- A2 group application for Early Years SEN Inclusion Funding (PDF, 104 KB)
- Early Years Request for an Education Health and Care Assessment (word version) (Word doc, 44 KB)
- Early Years request for an Education, Health and Care assessment (PDF version) (PDF, 200 KB)
Request for assessment
- Request for Enhanced Mainstream Provision (word version) (Word doc, 36 KB)
- Request for Enhanced Mainstream Provision (PDF version) (PDF, 191 KB)
Referrals to services
- Portage Referral Form (word version) (Word doc, 64 KB)
- Portage Referral Form (PDF version) (PDF, 154 KB)
- SEND and Inclusion Request for Involvement Form (word version) (Word doc, 34 KB)
- SEND and Inclusion Request for Involvement Form (PDF version) (PDF, 225 KB)
Speech and language referral forms are available on North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust's NHS: Speech and language therapy for children page.
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) across County Durham and Darlington has a single point of access for referrals and self-referrals to CAMHS services. Email or call 0300 123 9296.
Visit the County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust website for details about referring to Children's Occupational Therapy.
Please note that parents/carers must sign the request, and consent to share the forms. Head Teachers must counter-sign the request form if the child/young person is referred by their setting.
- Email
- Telephone 03000 265 878