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Education Development Service

The Education Development Service (EDS) is a part of Education Durham, working with schools, settings, academies and other educational institutions to ensure the highest quality opportunities and outcomes for all children and young people in County Durham and in our partner organisations.

Our team

Our team consists of over 70 full-time school improvement officers, many with headship experience and all skilled at leading training. We offer specialists in every subject and every phase, with a strong track record of leadership challenge and support. A comprehensive governor support and training service, music service and learning resource service, as well as a bespoke leadership training centre, make Durham's EDS one of the foremost school improvement teams in the whole country.

We support schools regionally, nationally and internationally

We work across the entire north east region, from the Scottish borders to York and beyond, and we have supported schools nationally and internationally. Our strong partnerships with Teaching Schools, Higher Education and business make sure we are relevant and up to date in the support we offer.

Working in partnership

Through courses, conferences and contract support, we provide a first class, consistent, integrated service which works professionally with all partners and stakeholders and meets their needs and aspirations. We provide or broker support and challenge to help schools, settings and academies continually improve.

We engage with national and local partners, conduct research with world-leading authorities, design and co-construct specialist leadership programmes, and offer a world-class, consistent, integrated service that works for all stakeholders.

Education Durham

See our Education Durham - school improvement service page.

The intentions of Education Durham are:

  • To work with schools, settings, academies and other educational institutions to ensure the highest quality opportunities and outcomes for all children and young people in County Durham and in our partner organisations.
  • To provide a first class, consistent, integrated service which works professionally with all partners and stakeholders and meets their needs and aspirations.
  • To provide or broker support and challenge to help schools, settings and academies to continually improve, including support and guidance to governing bodies.
  • To fulfil our individual roles with professionalism and integrity, identifying and sharing best practice.
  • To promote partnerships with and between schools, settings and other organisations, to the benefit of all children and young people.
  • To meet and fulfil statutory duties on behalf of the local authority.

Through our work with schools, academies and settings, we seek to ensure that:

  • Schools, academies and settings become increasingly effective learning communities with dynamic leaders, skilled teachers/practitioners and independent learners.
  • The local authority and partner organisations each have an accurate, objective understanding of the quality of education provided, and this view is shared appropriately with individual schools, academies and settings.
  • The appointment of headteachers is effectively supported to ensure succession and, where appropriate, support is given to secure effective senior leadership appointments; intelligence gained through close working with schools will facilitate early leadership talent-spotting and contribute to full short-listing for leadership posts in schools.
  • The impact of local authority services to schools is evaluated and all subsequent recommendations for improvement are acted upon.
  • Work with partnerships, including Teaching Schools and other organisations, to commission, manage and provide professional development, associated with local and national initiatives, is appropriate and timely.
  • Support made available is of the highest quality, is timely and takes full account of the context of the school/setting, while representing clear value for money.


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