Council Plan
The Council Plan is our high-level plan covering four years and is updated annually.
Council Plan 2024 to 2028
In 2019, public, private and voluntary sector bodies that make up the County Durham Partnership jointly agreed a long-term Vision 2035. This vision is based on a strategic assessment of need using our intelligence platform Durham Insight and was developed following extensive consultation with the public. Our Council Plan sets out our contribution to achieving this vision for County Durham as well as our own improvement agenda and major programmes of work that we will be undertaking over the medium term to recover from Covid-19.
The Plan aligns to both our Medium-Term Financial Plan and the County Durham Plan. It sets out:
- how we will consider our corporate priorities for improvement.
- the key actions we will take to achieve the longer-term ambitions in the Vision 2035.
- our own improvement agenda.
The Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2024-25 to 2027-28 sets out how our priorities will be resourced and the County Durham Plan is a spatial representation of our ambitions contained within the Council Plan around housing, jobs and the environment until 2035, as well as the transport, schools and healthcare to support it.
Our Council Plan for 2024-2028 was discussed at Cabinet on 14 February 2024 and at the meeting of our council on 28 February 2024.
Our ambitions within the Plan are structured around five themes for the county council:
- Our economy
- Our environment
- Our people
- Our communities
- Our council
View the Council Plan
Durham County Council Plan 2024-2028 (PDF, 4 MB)
We will report on the progress we make in our Council Plan as part of our council performance.
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- Telephone 03000 268 015