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See our Changes to County Durham bin collections at Christmas page to find out when your bin will be collected over the festive period.

Community support team

Our Community Support team works alongside the Emergency Duty team to support young people and their families who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Staff have experience in a wide range of areas, working with families in a number of different circumstances.

How we can help

Our main aim is to help to prevent the breakdown of a young person's living situation. This could be at home with their family, living with foster carers or living on their own.

We will also assist with the re-integration of a young person to their home following a period of short-term accommodation.

Services we offer

  • initial crisis intervention
  • parenting programme
  • advocacy and mediation
  • self esteem and confidence building
  • anger management
  • building positive relationships
  • assessment/observation
  • welfare rights
  • bereavement and loss
  • addressing health issues, for example, drug or alcohol misuse

Who is eligible for the service?

The service is for young people between eight and 21 years old, where, following an assessment, it is agreed that without the service, their living situation would be at risk of breaking down.

We will do the following to help young people and their families:

  • We hold an initial meeting with the young person, their family and social worker.
  • Together we listen to everyone's views and plan the support which we can offer to the young person and their family.
  • We visit families regularly through the week at a time that is suitable to them.
  • A telephone number is given enabling families to have regular contact with their allocated worker.
  • Review meetings are held on a regular basis to ensure everyone's needs are being met and views are listened to.

These meetings are attended by the young person, family members, social worker and community support worker.

Making a referral

Referrals can only be made by a young person's social worker who will complete the necessary forms.

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