Medication Accountability
This course discusses the importance of everyone taking accountability of their actions. We discuss why this is important and what can happen if we do not take the appropriate action.
Presented by the Intermediate Care Pharmacy Team.
Entry Requirements
Care home must care for Intermediate Care patients.
Who the course is for
All Senior Carers and Nursing staff who manage medication.
Learning method
The course is Face to Face and will take you approximately 30 minutes to complete. Supporting documentation will be given for future reference.
What you will learn
By completing this course, you will:
- Understand what accountability is.
- Know why it is important to take action, inform management if you feel you need more support/training with your role, or certain duties.
- What effects this could have on your patient's if you are not accountable.
Course benefits
- Build confidence levels of Attendees
- Knowing the importance of accountability and being able to take the appropriate action when needed.
Course dates and times
No set dates, please contact the Technician in your area and a date and time can be arranged.
How to book
To book this course please email the Pharmacy Technician associated to your area, listed below:
- North Intermediate care beds - Sarah Ross -
- East Intermediate Care beds - Joanne Rogers -
- South Intermediate Care - Paula Blake -

In partnership with
- County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
- Crew Project Owl
- Email
- Telephone 03000 260 222