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Business and professional skills courses

Find out about our qualifications and training for business administration and team leading.

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These courses will help build your experience in essential business skills.

Please note we can enrol you on the following courses after the start date has passed.

Working in the public sector

Working in the public sector - employability (none accredited) 

This course aims to develop the learners' skills to enable them to find work within the public sector. The course covers a wide range of skills, all needed to perform a variety of job roles in the industry.

While this course is aimed at those wanting to work in the public sector, it also teaches skills and abilities that are beneficial in every industry. The course covers, CV writing, covering letters, job searches, making an application and interview techniques.

The eight week programme will provide a good understanding of the skills need to apply for employment within the public sector.

Business administration

Business administration and public service pathway (Level 1)

This course will help you learn the skills you need to start a career in office administration with a Business and Administration qualification.

You will learn the essentials of keeping an office running including managing the phones and mail, creating business documents and welcoming visitors to the office. You can also choose units covering personal and social development or business administration.

This is a 20 week programme of learning that supports people that are looking to seek employment or already working in first level administration support roles.

The programme allows learners to gain a national recognised certificate in Business and Administration at Level 1 as well as a pre-vocational qualification devised with the aim to progress learners into further learning or employment. 


Learners are required to complete a number of optional units up to 13 credits.


On completion of these qualifications' a candidate could progress into employment or complete a Level 2 Certificate / Diploma in Business and Administration or an apprenticeship.

Business administration and public service pathway (Level 2)

This course will help you learn the skills you need for a career in office administration with a Business and Administration qualification.

You will learn the essentials of keeping an office running including managing the phones and mail, creating business documents, welcoming visitors to the office, as well as more complex tasks. You can also choose units covering personal and social development or business administration.

This is a 30 week programme of learning that supports those individuals who are wanting to work in an administrative support role in the public or private sector, or who want to improve their administrative and supervisory skills.

The Level 2 Diploma will help you gain practical knowledge in providing routine and more complex administrative support in the workplace.


Learners are required to complete a number of units that make up to 45 credits from both mandatory and optional units. 


On completion of these qualifications' candidate could progress into employment or completed Level 3 Diploma in Business and Administration or an apprenticeship.

Team leading

Team leading pathways (Level 2)

This programme is for those individuals that are looking to develop the skills and knowledge to successfully lead a team and support their progression into management positions.

Our team leader training course will expand your knowledge on the principles of team leading and how a business operates. It will also help you develop the key skills needed to be a successful team leader and be able to communicate with a range of stakeholders at various levels.

The course duration is 8 to 12 weeks and is delivered using our online platform allowing you to work at a time that suits you.


On completion of these qualifications' candidate may progress into employment or completed Level 3 Certificate in Team Leading or apprenticeship.

Health, care and education qualification courses

Level 2

  • Adult Care Worker
  • Early Years Practitioner

Level 3

  • Lead Adult Care Worker
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Early Years Educator

Level 4

  • Children, Young People and Families Practitioner


Apprenticeships are an exciting option for both apprentice and employer, allowing apprentices to combine work and study by mixing on-the-job training with classroom learning. You will be employed to do a real job while studying for a formal qualification. By the end of the apprenticeship, you will have gained the knowledge, skills and behaviour needed to either succeed in your chosen career or progression. What you depends on the role that you are training for. However, apprentices in every role follow an approved study programme, which means you'll gain a nationally recognised qualification at the end of your apprenticeship.

Depending on your needs, these qualifications could contain the following:

  • Functional Skills level 1 or 2 (GCSE level qualification in maths and English)
  • Mandatory Diploma level 2 to 6

Apprenticeships are available to people of all ages. This makes them a great option for anyone looking to change their career, upskill or re-enter a job role after taking some time out. The opportunities are endless.

Level 3

  • Business Administrator
  • HR Support
  • Learning and Development Practitioner
  • Leisure Duty Manager
  • Library, Information and Archive Service Assistant
  • Public Sector Compliance Investigator and Officer
  • Team Leader or Supervisor

Level 4

  • Employability Practitioner
  • Revenues and Welfare Benefits Practitioner
  • School Business Professional

Level 5

  • Operations or Departmental Manager

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