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Adult and Health Services Workforce Development Strategy

Adult and Health Services (AHS) Workforce Development Strategy 2021-2025 and underpinning data looks at workforce requirements to meet the care and support needs of the population of the county up to 2025 and beyond.

We are committed to ensuring that our workforce in AHS is appropriately trained and has access to opportunities for career development. We believe that an empowered and flexible workforce will achieve better outcomes for the residents of County Durham.

The strategy identifies a series of priorities to refocus the workforce/plan, build leadership capacity, develop the workforce and be a good employer. These are underpinned by a series of critical issues such as to create a more flexible workforce, support the mental health and wellbeing of staff and ensure a better quality of life for service users through effective integrated health and care systems.

This strategy addresses these challenges, and opportunities, the associated impacts on the workforce and how we will prepare and support our workforce to meet them. Consultation and engagement with our workforce has been influential in shaping this document.

Each service area within AHS has a detailed action plan which is monitored and updated on a regular basis to ensure it stays contemporary with emerging workforce development issues.

If you have any queries or would like to know more about the strategy, please Contact Development and Learning (Adult and Health Services).

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