Strategies, plans and documents
Strategies, plans and policies for the council.
Finance, audit and legal
- Corporate Enforcement Policy
- Fighting fraud and corruption
- Data quality policy
- Procurement policy and strategy
- Productivity Plan
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
Health and social care
- County Durham Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy 2015-2020
- County Durham Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS)
- County Durham Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
- The local market for children's, adults, public health and housing services
- County Durham Mental Health Implementation Plan
- Think Autism in County Durham Strategy
- Commissioning Strategy for People with Learning Disabilities
- Adult and Health Services Workforce Development Strategy
Children and young people
- Growing Up in County Durham Strategy
- Sufficiency and Commissioning Strategy for Looked After Children and Care Leavers
Housing and regeneration
- Housing regeneration - partnerships, policies and plans
- Housing strategies and policies
- County Durham Partnership: Inclusive Economic Strategy
- Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles
- Hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy
- Licensing Act 2003 Policy
Roads and transport
- How we look after our roads - Highway Maintenance Plan and Transport Asset Management Plan
- School Crossing Patrol Policy
- Street Lighting Policy
- Street Naming and Numbering Policy
- Transport policy
- Contact Strategic Highways if you would like a copy of our Asset Management, Environmental Policy Statement, Health and Safety Policy, Quality Policy Statement or Collaborative Working Relationships Policy
Flood management
Rubbish and recycling
Landscape, ecology and allotments
Customer services
Property and land
Data and Insight
- Data and Insight Strategy 2023/24 - 2025/26 (PDF, 478 KB) sets out our future direction and strategic goals regarding data and insight. It aims to mobilise and focus our resources to drive change across our organisation.