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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

How to apply for or renew a Blue Badge.

Blue Badges are usually issued for three years, but yours may be issued for less than three years if your benefit award is for a limited time.

Please be aware - some websites will offer to help you with your Blue Badge application but they may charge you an additional fee. You can apply online through our website, or through one of our Customer Access Points you will need to make an appointment. We will be able to take a photograph for you, so there is no need to bring a photo with you.

Individual Blue Badge permits cost £10. It can take up to 12 weeks to process a Blue Badge application. To ensure there are no delays, please provide full and correct information with your initial application.

How to apply for/renew a Blue Badge

If you are unable to use the online application form, require an application form in large print, or have any further queries, please Contact Blue Badge Scheme.

Fast track applications: if you are terminally ill and a SR1 report has been or will be issued, please contact your Macmillan Nurse or other health care professional, who will complete your application form. No cost or photograph will be required.

Step 1: Follow the application process at apply for or renew a Blue Badge online. If you are applying for an organisation, please choose 'organisation' when given the options of 'the application is for Myself, Someone else or an Organisation'. You must upload your documents as part of this process - we cannot process your application until we receive all your documentation.

Step 2: will send you a confirmation email and send us your application so we can decide on your eligibility. It can take up to 12 weeks for us to let you know the decision.

Step 3: When you receive confirmation that you qualify, pay for your Blue Badge online. Individual permits cost £10. You can also take your invoice to any Post Office or PayPoint outlet where it can be scanned and you can make a payment. You can find your nearest outlet using the following:

Step 4: Your Blue Badge will be sent to you up to 14 working days after you have paid.

Appealing our decision

If we decide you are not eligible, we will tell you why. All decisions are reached following strict guidelines in relation to the provision of the Blue Badge scheme set by the Department for Transport.

You can ask us to review our decision and supply us with further information if you do not think all the important information was considered at the time. You must do this within 28 days of the original decision being made. During the review of decision stage, you may be expected to attend a face to face interview which will include an assessment of eligibility by an occupational therapist.

You may have to provide further medical evidence or details of relevant health care professionals involved, which will be assessed by an occupational therapist (dependent on the type of the review of decision received, eg physical, non-visible (hidden disabilities) or organisational). Please also include badge reference number, full name, address and date of birth. Contact Blue Badge Scheme by post or email with this information.

If your request for a review of the decision is unsuccessful, you may not reapply for a Blue Badge for six months, unless new medical evidence is provided detailing supportive information/change in medical circumstances has occurred.

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