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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

About Horden Together Partnership

As the first of its kind in the county, Horden Together started off as a pilot project to see if we can find ways of just making things work better, make getting help easier, make reporting something simpler and give you, as residents, a better understanding of what is actually going on in Horden.

What we've found is a strong and resilient village with some unbelievably passionate people. There are the dozens of volunteers and staff who are helping to deliver hours and hours of support, leisure, sport, food provision, warm hubs and loads of other services.

Horden Together is a partnership of all of those people, joined by service providers, councillors and anyone else that we can bring in.

We are trying to pull together to get more or better or new services, activities and facilities, no matter what the issue.

On the less positive side we're trying to help to take away some of the bad stuff - crime, anti-social behaviour, fly tipping and poor housing is an issue in some areas. We can't always control how services tackle some of these issues, but we can make sure that your voices are heard and want to work with all parts of the community to make it better. 

Making all of that happen, we have a core team of ten staff who work out of the top floor of the Social Welfare Centre on Seventh Street. We make a point of being out and about in the village and available when you have things you'd want to talk to us about.

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