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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Updated proposals for the DLI Museum and Art Gallery building and surroundings

Have your say on our proposals for the DLI Museum and Art Gallery building and surroundings which will allow us to deliver the most efficient, environmentally friendly building and landscaping.


In June 2021, our cabinet agreed to review options to reopen and repurpose the DLI Museum and Art Gallery (DLIMAG) and consider the options for keeping parts of the DLI Collection within the former site. In 2022 we asked you to Have your say on the former DLI Museum and Art Gallery project. The DLIMAG redevelopment was granted planning permission in February 2023.

What we are consulting on now

We now need to go through a second planning process, as we need to change some aspects of the agreed planning permission. To do this, we need to prepare and submit a Section 73 application, which is a specific type of planning application which allows for changes to an already approved scheme. The updated proposals will help with the maintenance of the site, and enable us to adopt the use of more efficient materials and construction techniques. Since the original planning application was submitted and approved we have entered into ongoing discussions with our preferred contractor which has enabled us to draw on their experiences, expertise and knowledge to benefit the overall design using alternative materials and building techniques.


Plan view of proposed landscaping (PDF, 16 MB)

Key site features shown on the landscape plan:

  1. drop-off area and accessible parking
  2. main terrace
  3. service yard (secure)
  4. ramped woodland fire escape route
  5. proposed sub-station
  6. fire escape routes
  7. existing access road
  8. existing car park
  9. main entrance gate

How these proposals will affect the project

The museum, exhibition centre and gallery venue with restaurant and café that formed part of the original approved planning submission will still be delivered and have the same floor space.

The proposed changes will allow us to deliver the project using more efficient materials and methods of construction.

Have your say

The closing date for comments was 5.00pm on Thursday 6 June 2024.

What happens next

After this consultation, we will consider any feedback from you, and update our proposal if necessary. The application will then have a three week planning consultation period, followed by an eight week Section 73 determination period. 

If the new plans are not approved, we will need to consider our options, which could include resubmitting the application, preparing an alternative design proposal, or progressing with the original design, which has already secured planning approval.

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