Getting it Right for Children - for separating or separated parents
The goal of this course is to minimise the effects that your separation has on your children.
When parents separate, it's hard for everyone. It's a stressful time and, with emotions running high, even everyday arrangements can become a source of arguments.
This course is designed to help separating parents communicate better for the sake of their children. You can do it all in one go but it's often best to spread it over a few weeks to give yourself time to reflect and practise the skills.
As you go through, you'll see a series of video clips showing different scenarios where children are put in the middle of their parents' disagreements. You'll get to see what it's like for the parents and the children involved, and you'll learn new skills that can help you resolve disagreements in a better way.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- stay calm and listen as well as talk
- see things from a different point of view
- stop a discussion from turning in to an argument
- negotiate to make compromises
- work out solutions
If you feel you need extra support and are already working with a professional or are in contact with your GP or child's school, they will be able to support you in getting the help you need. Alternatively, you can visit one of our Family Hubs (Find out what's on at your nearest Family Hub) or telephone First Contact 03000 267 979 and ask to speak to an Early Help Triage Worker.
Please register and sign in to the course at OnePlusOne - courses.
- Telephone 03000 261 111