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Road signs

We are responsible for providing signs that give information to road users in County Durham.

The Highway Code defines the types of signs used on the road. Examples of the most common signs in normal use fall into certain groups:

  • regulatory signs - signs with red circles. Regulatory signs require Traffic Regulation Orders before they can be enforced.
  • warning signs - mostly triangular
  • direction signs - mostly rectangular, white or green backed
  • destination and map-type signs
  • information signs - mostly rectangular, generally blue-backed
  • cycle route signs - white on blue signs
  • pedestrian signing - generally white on green for footpaths and bridleways, white on blue in pedestrian areas, but a variety of colours can now also be used, usually in pedestrian areas

Tourism signs (brown signs)

Apply to add a brown tourist sign provides an important opportunity for tourism businesses, and act as a positive advert for a venue. Their primary purpose, however, is to safely guide visitors along the most appropriate route for the latter stages of their journey, or to indicate facilities that a tourist would not reasonably expect to find in that location. 

Requesting a new sign

All road signs must be agreed by us. Additionally, special and experimental signs must also be agreed by the Department for Transport.

A1(M), A66 and A19

These roads aren't maintained by us, but by Highways England. Contact Amey RTMC for the A1(M) and A66, and Autolink (01642 560 637) for the A19.

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