Motorhome parking
Motorhomes are permitted in all of our car parks, however, cooking and overnight sleeping is not permitted.
Pay and display
Motorhomes using pay and display car parks must purchase multiple pay and display tickets to cover every parking bay used.
Durham Park and Ride
Durham City Park and Ride sites offer free parking in dedicated bays for motorhomes, but you must be using the park and ride bus service.
Hardwick Park and Wharton Park do not have parking for motorhomes.
Overnight motorhome and camper van parking
Overnight motorhome and camper van parking is available at Belmont Park and Ride. The cost is £5 per night for a maximum two consecutive nights stay (no return within three days). No pre-booking is available - payment must be made on arrival using Pay for parking,
There is an additional service charge of 15p and an optional 15p text message for updates on when your session will expire.
Our opening hours are between 7.00pm and 7.00am daily (please note that the Park and Ride bus service does not operate on Sundays). Standard Park and Ride terms and conditions must be followed outside of these hours. Please note that there are no facilities for toilets or grey waste disposal.
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- Telephone 03000 263 985