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See our Changes to County Durham bin collections at Christmas page to find out when your bin will be collected over the festive period.

Housing Benefit overpayments

An overpayment is when we pay you, or your landlord, an amount of Housing Benefit that you weren't entitled to receive.

If you still receive Housing Benefit, we will reduce your Housing Benefit payments at a set rate until the money is paid back in full. The amount you will pay depends on your circumstances. If you no longer receive Housing Benefit, we'll send you an invoice for the full amount you owe.

Ways to pay 

You need your invoice number to make a payment which is on the front of your invoice

Pay by phone

Call our 24 hour payment line on 0300 456 2771. 

If you are unable to repay the overpayment

Contact Housing Benefit to discuss your circumstances as soon as possible.

What you can do if you disagree with the Housing Benefit overpayment

If you disagree with the overpayment, see our Make an appeal information.

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