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See our Changes to County Durham bin collections at Christmas page to find out when your bin will be collected over the festive period.

Community right to challenge

The Localism Act 2011 introduced the 'community right to challenge' to give certain groups the right to bid to run relevant council services.

Local authorities have to consider relevant applications and if deemed acceptable, stage a procurement competition, so that the group can bid to run the service, competing against any other bids which come forward. The legislation:

  • allows local authorities to specify when they will consider community right to challenge applications
  • outlines the grounds for refusing applications
  • outlines wider factors which local authorities need to consider in coming to a decision, including economic, social and environmental wellbeing circumstances.

Our approach

We have a long track record of working with town and parish councils and local community and voluntary organisations and will continue to do so through joint initiatives, charters and compact agreements, service level agreements and specific asset transfer proposals.

In the first instance, local town and parish councils and community groups are encouraged to discuss joint working proposals with us through the established channels or direct with the council service concerned.

This should give applicants a better understanding of our plans, existing contract commitments and we may be looking to re-commission services or put them out to tender.

For services which are not already subject to contract or commissioning arrangements, we will consider formal community right to challenge applications between 1 April and 30 June each year.  This is so that we can take any expressions of interest into account when we develop our service plans and budget for the following year.

For an informal discussion about Community Right to Challenge and working us, or for formal Community Right to Challenge applications, please contact us using the details below.

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