What information should you provide?
We may need to see documents to confirm what you told us when you make a claim for Housing Benefit or council tax reduction. This page tells you what documents we accept.
To avoid delays to your claim, please make sure any forms are completed in full before you send them to us.
Evidence of identity
We will need evidence for both you and your partner, if relevant. Any of the following documents is acceptable:
- current passport
- birth / marriage certificate
- divorce / annulment / separation papers
- full or provisional driving licence
- benefit award letter
- payslip
- bank statement
- utility bill (paid in the last three months)
- medical card
Evidence of earnings
We'll need to see your payslips. If you get paid:
- monthly - send your two most recent payslips
- fortnightly - send your three most recent payslips
- weekly - send you five most recent payslips
If you don't get a payslip, or it is handwritten, your employer must complete a Statement of Earnings Form (PDF, 98 KB).
Evidence of self-employed earnings
Please provide:
- The last financial year's accounts prepared by an accountant, or
- Complete our information form carefully, following the instructions in it dependent on how long you have been trading:
Evidence of rent
If you rent privately, you will need to provide one of the following:
- your landlord should complete our Confirmation of Rent Form (PDF, 153 KB)
- your most recent tenancy agreement - provided your rent has not changed and less than two years have passed since the inital rental period expired.
If you live with your landlord, or they are a family member, both of you must complete the Landlord and Tenant Questionnaire (PDF, 115 KB)
Evidence of benefits and tax credits
This is usually provided by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Evidence of pensions
Private pensions - please provide your most recent bank or pension statement showing the amount paid, the name of the person it is paid to and how often it is paid.
Pension Credit - this is usually provided by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Evidence of savings and investments
Depending on your circumstances, you and your partner may need to provide the following, where relevant:
- a bank statement or itemised print out for the most recent full month of each bank account, savings account or ISA held
- Post Office or building society books or statements
- National Savings certificates
- proof of any other savings or investments held
- If you own a second property, a completed Valuation Form (PDF, 160 KB) and evidence of any outstanding balance on current mortgage
Evidence of money paid out
It's only in certain circumstances that we'll need evidence.
Payments to a registered childminder
Please provide a letter, recent contract or receipts from the child care provider. This must include their OFSTED registration number, the amount paid for each child and any changes to this amount during the school holidays.
Payments toward a private pension or annuity
Please provide proof of contributions, which are not deducted on your payslip, including details of how much and how often payments are made.
Contributions to the upkeep of a student
Please provide the letter from the Student Loans Company showing the assessed contribution you have been asked to make towards the student's grant or loan.
- Email benefits@durham.gov.uk
- Telephone 03000 26 2000