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Find out what information we hold about you

You have the right to make a request for personal information about yourself, or another person if they have given their consent. This is called a subject access request.

What you can ask us for

  • confirmation of the personal data we are processing about you 
  • access to your personal data
  • the reasons why we're using your data
  • who we share your information with
  • how long we keep your data for

This information should be the same as the information we provided to you when we collected your data.

If you are applying on behalf of someone else, you must have their written permission, parental responsibility, power of attorney or a court order.

Make a Subject Access Request

Note that for security, we do not accept requests that need us to open a link to access the request or upload data to another website.

Requests are free, but we may charge for duplicate copies of the information, or excessive requests. We will let you know in advance if there is a charge.

Evidence needed

To apply for the information, you must provide two different documents:

  • evidence of your identity: eg a passport, residents permit, driving licence, birth certificate, pension or benefit book or letter 
  • evidence of your current address from the last three months: eg a utility bill, bank or building society statement, rent card or tenancy agreement, council tax bill

What we may not supply

The ICO website lists exemptions that may apply: Information Commissioner: exemptions.


If you do not feel that we have not correctly handled your data, you can complain to the Information Commissioner.

Ask for other information

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