School attendance
We want all school children in County Durham to get the most out of their education, and attending school regularly is an important part of your child's educati...
We offer a wonderful range of venues to make your ceremony a special, memorable and enjoyable occasion.
Apply to become a personal assistant
Many people use their Direct Payments to employ a personal assistant to help them or their children live independently.
Pavements - personal injury
Any hazard in a public road or pavement caused as a result of an accident, damage or vandalism may be considered a risk to the public and could result in person...
School transport policies and strategies
We have home to school/college transport policies and strategies that provide information and guidance for children and young people of different ages.
Premises approval for marriage or civil ceremonies
The Marriage Act 1994 allows civil marriages to be solemnised at locations other than registration offices. Locations in County Durham must be approved by us be...
Compliments, comments and complaints about adult social care services
We take all compliments, comments and complaints about our services very seriously. By listening to users of our services and their carers, and learning from th...
The Causeway Bridge in Wolsingham
Work due to start on The Causeway Bridge in Wolsingham has been deferred after we listened to local concerns.
Spennymoor AAP priorities
Spennymoor AAP priorities, and how this affects where we allocate funding.
Emergency contacts
Get help in an emergency or advice about your home, health and personal safety.