Developing your career in Building Control
Durham County Council is a great place to develop your career in Building Control. Our Building Control Officers come from a variety of career pathways, includi...
Pay and support for you as a Building Control Officer
Our organisation is a great place for Building Control Officers looking for a better work-life balance. Our favourable terms and conditions and development oppo...
Move from private sector to public sector Building Control
Working in Building Control in the public sector can have many benefits.
Meet our Building Control team
What is it like to work in Building Control at the council? Building Control Officer, Kay Welburn, shares her career journey.
Sign up for garden waste collections
Information about how to sign up for our garden waste scheme.
Apply for a garden and household waste permit
If you visit a Household Waste Recycling Centre (tip) with a van, pickup, minibus or you are towing a trailer you need a waste permit.
Crime prevention
County Durham is a safe place to live; you can help us keep it this way. This page gives an overview of the crime prevention work we do and links to a range of ...
Noise nuisance
For noise to be considered a nuisance, it must be unreasonable and have a large impact on the use or enjoyment of your home. It does not cover issues such as in...
Smoke free legislation
The law requires that virtually all indoor public places and workplaces, including vehicles, to be smoke free. It affects almost every business in County Durham...
Football and ball games complaints
During summertime and the lighter nights we receive complaints about children playing ball games in the street or in public places. This web page offers advice ...