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    Searching on þ˸ȿ ǸŻƮ ? ǰ ɰȿ ǰ Ʊ׶Ǹ ͳ Ʊ׶ Ź ǰ Ʊ׶󱸸 űȯŹ found 1491 results
    Page 60 of 150
    • Smoke control areas

      Many parts of County Durham are smoke control areas where it is an offence to emit smoke from a chimney, unless you're burning an authorised fuel or using an ex...

    • Is your tattooist registered?

      Find out if a tattooist is registered to operate in County Durham and how to stay safe if you're considering getting a tattoo.

    • Noise nuisance

      For noise to be considered a nuisance, it must be unreasonable and have a large impact on the use or enjoyment of your home. It does not cover issues such as in...

    • Full Circle - support for care leavers

      If you are a care leaver, we may be able to help you develop coping skills and strategies and make sense of your life experiences.

    • Budgets & Spending

      We publish a range of financial information, some of which is statutory which means we are required by law to publish it, and some which gives general informati...

    • Child employment permit

      Within one week of employing a young person of compulsory school age, an employer must forward a permit application to the child employment officer.

    • How is Housing Benefit paid?

      How your Housing Benefit is paid will depend on who you rent from.

    • Housing Benefit information for landlords

      If you are a landlord and your tenants get Housing Benefit, this page gives important information about payment arrangements, what information we can share with...

    • Make a Housing Benefit claim

      How to check how much Housing Benefit you could get and make a claim.

    • Report Housing Benefit fraud

      If you suspect someone of committing Housing Benefit fraud, you can report it in a number of ways.


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