Budgets and spending
We publish a range of financial information, some of which is statutory which means we are required by law to publish it, and some which gives general information about the finances of the county.
This section contains information on the following:
- Payments to suppliers over £500: Payments with a value of £500 or over (exclusive of VAT) made to suppliers. The reports are prepared and published 30 days after the end of each month.
- Contracts Register: The register lists all contracts, commissioned activity, purchase orders, framework agreements and other legally enforceable agreements, including waste collection contracts, that exceed £5,000.
- Annual Statement of Accounts: The Statement of Accounts presents our overall financial performance.
- Durham County Council Pension Fund information: The Local Government Pension Scheme (GPS) is a statutory scheme for council employees, operated under regulations issued by the central Communities and Local Government department.
- Section 251 Budget Statement: Funding information for our children's services. The information is presented in a set of tables at both council and school level. It has been produced under Section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009.
- Year end Financial Outturn Report: Information about our Detailed Year End Financial Outturn Reports.
- National Fraud Initiative: Find out how we help prevent and detect fraud.
- Trade Union Facility Time: Details of the number of union representatives, and includes the names of trade unions and a basic estimate of spending on them. It is updated annually.
- Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSE): This register includes grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.
- Government procurement card transactions: This register includes details of all of our government procurement card transactions and is updated quarterly.
- Public Contracts Regulations and Performance: We publish annually updated payment performance information in line with the Public Contracts Regulations guidance.
- VAT reverse charging for building and construction services (PDF, 141 KB): Supplies between VAT registered businesses that are within the scope of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS).
- Charter Trustees for the City of Durham: The accounting statements present the overall financial performance of the Charter Trustees for the City of Durham.