Home to school travel assistance for primary school children
This page gives you information about home to school travel assistance for children attending primary school.
Pay your Fixed Penalty Notice (fine) for environmental crimes
Pay your fixed penalty notices for flytipping, dropping litter, dog fouling, allowing a dog to stray, allowing dogs into fenced off play areas, graffiti, flypos...
Newton Hall Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Newton Hall library.
A1018 & B1404 Seaton Lane, Seaton Traffic Management Experimental Order 2024
Find out about the A1018 & B1404 Seaton Lane, Seaton Traffic Management Experimental Order 2024.
Electric Vehicle charging points and Kerbo projects
Electric vehicle (EV) developments are soaring in recent years, and it is necessary that we adapt to these changes.
Horden Minewater project
Horden was home to one of the largest coal mines in the country. At the height of the mine's operation, in the 1930s, it employed over 4,000 men and produced 1....
Woodland Primary School project
Woodland Primary School is a small, rural school that has made significant strides toward sustainability.
Tanfield Lea Solar Farm
The Tanfield Lea Solar Farm was designed to provide low-carbon electricity directly to a council building.
Climate change, carbon reduction and sustainability - our story in timeline
Our climate change story in timeline.
Climate change, carbon reduction and sustainability projects
Here are some of the key projects showing the work currently being carried out to reduce council and countywide emissions.