Home security
County Durham is a safe place to live. Burglary levels in our county are low.
Trade Union Facility Time
Details of the number and full time equivalent (FTE) of staff who devote at least 50% of their time to union duties, as at 31 March 2024. There is also a basic ...
Council insurance claims
If you have suffered damage or injury where you believe we are liable, you can report it, and we will investigate the incident. You can report damage to a vehic...
Safe Durham Partnership
The Government requires specific organisations to work together to reduce crime in their local area. In County Durham this partnership is called the Safe Durham...
Daisy Chain coffee mornings and workshops
Daisy Chain will be running coffee mornings in Family Hubs for parents and carers of children diagnosed, on the pathway or who have been identified by a profess...
Chill Kids course
This course is for children aged seven to 11 years old and will help them find ways to manage their emotions and remain calm.
Triple P baby group
Triple P Baby helps mams and dads, from before your baby is born and up until your child is one year old.
Teen Zone course
This is a group for young people of secondary school age, with activities to look at self-esteem, building confidence and managing emotions.
Safer choices group
Safer Choices is a group for young people of secondary school age, to help them understand that the choices they make have consequences.
Neonatal support group
Group for mams, dads and carers who have had babies on the neonatal unit (post discharge).