NCFE cache Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care
Delivered in partnership with Durham Learn, this qualification develops the knowledge and skills needed when working in a lead adult care worker role in care se...
Movement, Sensory Motor Skills
Our team provide training, support and detailed motor co-ordination assessments and intervention programmes for children and young people in schools and educati...
Neighbourhood wardens
Neighbourhood wardens work to improve the quality of life for residents by reducing the level of anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime.
MOT testing
We provide MOT tests for a range of vehicles owned by local residents and businesses.
Overview and scrutiny
The purpose of overview and scrutiny is to scrutinise decisions of the executive; to hold them to account and make recommendations on policy development and imp...
Our Local Offer for care leavers
Our local offer tells you about all the support that we have in County Durham for you as a care leaver.
Parking outside schools
When you drop your children off at school, do not park around the school gates. Safer parking around schools improves the safety of your children and you.
Pay your business rates
There are a number of ways you can pay your business rates.
Park and Ride advertising
Our Park and Ride bus service offers a variety of advertising opportunities. This is a fantastic way to promote your products and services, and receive excellen...
Pay your Council Tax
There are a number of ways you can pay your Council Tax.