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    Searching on Ʊ׶ vs þ˸ Ʊ׶Ǹ GHB ǸŻƮ عٶ 򽺿 ? ͱó нı ׾˿ۿ found 1494 results
    Page 16 of 150
    • Sedgefield Conservation Area

      ...was designated in May 1971, and reviewed and amended in 1993 and 2016. An Article 4(2) direction was placed upon the residential properties...

    • Lanchester Conservation Area

      ...Conservation Area was designated in 1972 and amended in 1994 and 2016. An Article 4(2) Direction was placed upon the residential properties...

    • Early Years shop

      ...books and short films to support Early Years practitioners in their practice. These are available to purchase now in our e-store.

    • Public sector apprenticeship target

      ...public sector employer in England with at least 250 staff to employ an average of 2.3% of their staff as new apprentice starts between...

    • Apollo Pavilion

      ...manned mission to the moon in 1969 - the year the structure was built - the Apollo Pavilion is an iconic example of 1960s public art.

    • Easington local land charges documents

      Index Register part 1 Register part 2 Register part 3 Register part 4 Register part 6 Register part 10 Smoke control plans We are...

    • Land quality inspections

      ...activity such as gas works, colliery and coke works and landfills. There are approximately 6,500 of these sites in County Durham.

    • What happens if you do not pay a parking fine

      If you don't pay your parking fine (Penalty Charge Notice), we can go through a series of processes to get the money from you.

    • Support for children with health needs

      We provide education for children and young people of statutory school age (5-16 years) who are temporarily unable to attend school...

    • Featherbed Tales

      ...their loved ones. Children can also read stories for a grandparent or other family member who hasn't seen them during lockdown.


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