Wolsingham Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Wolsingham library.
Chilton Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Chilton library.
Land charges income statement
This page details the income received for enquiries about property/land charges.
Household clinical waste
If you need clinical waste removed from your house, we offer a free collection service for its safe removal and disposal.
Why Whorlton Bridge has closed
An assessment has identified that the bridge is no longer able to support vehicles or pedestrians. This problem is not in a few isolated areas, but across the w...
Woodhouse Close Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Woodhouse Close library.
Promotion and placement of less healthy foods in retail businesses
This page will help your business understand The Food (Promotion and Placement) (England) Regulations.
Disability Access Fund (early years only)
The Disability Access Fund (DAF) helps providers to make reasonable adjustments in their settings, either to support an individual child, or for the benefit of ...
Flyposting is the illegal display of advertising material in public areas and creates a negative impression of an area.
How much does a certificate cost?
Information about the charges for certificates of birth, death, marriage and civil partnerships.