Accommodation - choosing somewhere to live
If someone needs care and support to maintain their health and welfare, it may not be an option to live independently. Find details of different accommodation o...
A690 road safety works
The A690 is to receive almost £3million-worth of safety improvements following a successful funding bid.
Polling District and Polling Places Review 2023
Every five years, we must legally complete a review of our polling districts and polling places. The next scheduled review must be completed by 31 January 2025 ...
What happens after secondary school offer day on 3 March 2025
If you are happy with the school place offered to your child, then you do not need to take any further action.
Extra Care
Extra Care offers older people or people with needs associated with old age an alternative to moving into a care home. Moving into Extra Care is more like movin...
Apply for a temporary road, path or public right of way closure for an event
If you are planning an event that affects a road, pathway or public right of way, you need to apply for a closure.
Building Control Customer Service Standards
This page tells you about our Building Control Customer Service Standards.
Dangerous structures
We have a statutory duty to ensure that all structures within the area which are considered dangerous are made safe within the shortest possible time period.
Help for carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities
If you look after someone with a special educational need or disability, you are a carer.
Reduce loneliness and isolation
People can become lonely and isolated for a variety of reasons, such as getting older or weaker, moved away from friends and family, left work, or through disab...