Development Plan evidence base
...Climate change and environment Reference Document title Date CR1 * 2019 CR2 * 2018 CR3 * 2019 CR4 * 2018 CR5 Heritage Coast Management...
Young Parent's Programme
Our Young Parent's Programme is for parents under 25 years old who have a child under two or are expecting a baby.
Murton Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Murton library.
Help and support for businesses from Durham Employment and Skills service
Our Durham Employment and Skills service supports local businesses to develop and grow their workforces.
Quarterly reports
We work hard to provide the best services for people living in, working in and visiting County Durham. To measure how we are doing and find where we need to imp...
Bridleway Number 30 and Segregated Footpath, Murton Temporary Bridleway and Footpath Closure Order 2023
Find out about the Bridleway Number 30 and Segregated Footpath, Murton Temporary Bridleway and Footpath Closure Order 2023.
Dad's stay and play
Have fun with your little ones, chat to other dads or male carers and get advice on being a dad.
Chill Kids course
This course is for children aged seven to 11 years old and will help them find ways to manage their emotions and remain calm.
Business rates data
The information on this page include some of the most frequently requested business rates data. The information will be published quarterly in the form of CSV r...
Library fees and charges
Library fees and charges for 2024/25.