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    There are 2391 results
    Page 61 of 240
    • Work capability assessment

      The work capability assessment for Universal Credit and Employment Support Allowance.

    • Cloth nappies

      Try cloth nappies instead of disposable ones. You could save up to £400 a year and reduce the amount of nappy waste sent to disposal.

    • Health and safety inspections

      We council regulate health and safety standards in certain types of premises to prevent people being killed, injured or made ill at work.

    • Dangerous wild animals licence

      To own a dangerous wild animal in County Durham you must first obtain a licence from us.

    • Integrating sustainability within planning

      Checklist for developers, which will help you to assess and sustainability much more easily and readily into development.

    • Assessment of the County Durham Plan

      The County Durham Plan aims to deliver sustainable development whilst protecting local habitats, meeting the needs of our rural areas, and must not unfairly dis...

    • Advertisement consent

      The advertisement control system covers a very wide range of advertisements and signs, details of which can be found on this page.

    • Staindrop Conservation Area

      Staindrop lies on the former turnpike road (now the A688) between Durham City and Barnard Castle, which is 7km to the south west.

    • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

      Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit for adults of working age who have problems getting around out of doors, or who need personal care, supervision...

    • Parish Council election results - 6 May 2021

      The Parish Council election count was held on Sunday 9 May 2021 at Louisa Centre, Stanley and Spennymoor Leisure Centre. Results are now available.


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