Spennymoor car parks
This page gives you information about car parks in Spennymoor.
Langley Park Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Langley Park library.
Find out if you may be eligible for a Blue Badge
If you have a disability that can cause mobility problems you may be entitled to a parking permit that allows you to park in disabled parking bays.
An A-Z of benefit guides
Find out if you qualify for benefits, how to claim them, how to deal with problems that might arise during a claim and how to appeal a decision.
Stanley Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Stanley library.
Walking and cycling improvements
We are improving our cycling and walking routes across the county to make them more usable and safe for more people.
Help and support information for victims of crime, armed forces, Travellers and asylum seekers.
Pre-school group for children with complex needs (Portage)
The group is for families of children aged 2 to 3 years, who are experiencing challenges interacting and communicating with others.
Watch our videos to find out more about Family Hubs
Watch our videos to find out more about the free support and activities you can get through our Family Hubs.
Get rid of pests in your home
If you've got a pest problem in your home, we can help. Call in our experts to help get rid of rats, mice, fleas, cockroaches and more.