Animal health and welfare
We monitor and enforce animal health and welfare on farms and in transit with advice on keeping and moving livestock, disposing of remains, preventing mistreatm...
Apply for a garden and household waste permit
If you visit a Household Waste Recycling Centre (tip) with a van, pickup, minibus or you are towing a trailer you need a waste permit.
Apply for a disabled persons bus pass
If you have a disability, apply for a disabled persons bus pass to take advantage of free travel on buses anywhere in England and half fares on some local train...
Apply to have a public right of way diverted
We deal with many applications for footpath diversions for a variety of reasons.
Apply for a chimney under the Clean Air Act
The Clean Air Act 1993 covers a wide range of regulations, including control of smoke emissions, the height of chimneys and the content and composition of motor...
Apply for a permanent road closure
Details for permanently closing part of a public road, also known as 'stopping up'.
Consultation on our Statement of Licensing Policy
Have your say on the review of our Statement of Licensing Policy, which we must legally update at least every five years.
Apply for a waste permit for household hazardous waste
If you take any chemicals (eg bleach), gloss or lead based paints or sprays, or asbestos to a Household Waste Recycling Centre (tip), you need a waste permit.
Apply for a premises licence
You need to obtain a premises licence from us if you want to sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment or supply late night refreshment at any premises in C...
Apply for an older person's bus pass
If you live in County Durham and have reached pension age, you can apply for your older person's bus pass. This gives you free travel on buses anywhere in Engla...