Level 5 Leader in Adult Care
This opportunity is based on undertaking the qualification through an apprenticeship framework. You must be employed by a Durham County Council commissioned pro...
Shield Row Primary School 5 minute walking zone
...programme to help resolve issues relating to the site's two car parks. This was achieved by setting up a 5 Minute Walking Zone.
Healthy families right from the start 0-5 course
This course is for parents and carers of children aged 0-5. Each week helps you provide a healthy, happy, supportive environment...
13-17 Claypath and 3-5 Millennium Place, Durham
For sale.
Public Rights of Way Footpath Number 7 Whorlton Parish Footpath Numbers 4 and 5 Wycliffe with Thorpe Parish, Whorlton Temporary Footpath Closure Order 2023
...the Public Rights of Way Footpath Number 7 Whorlton Parish Footpath Numbers 4 and 5 Wycliffe with Thorpe Parish, Whorlton Temporary...
Beckstones Wath Footbridge and Public Right of Way Footpath Number 5a and Public Right of Way Footpath Number 48 and Public Bridleway Number 23, Eggleston to Mickleton Temporary Footbridge, Footpath and Bridleway Closure Order 2024
...out about the Beckstones Wath Footbridge and Public Right of Way Footpath Number 5a and Public Right of Way Footpath Number 48 and...
Street lighting and illuminated traffic signs
We manage and maintain 80,000 street lights and 5,500 illuminated traffic signs on the county's roads.
Sherburn House Conservation Area
Sherburn House is located approximately 3.5km to the east of Durham City Centre and 1.5km south west of Sherburn Village. The small...
Disclosing personal information to other public organisations
How to apply for the release of information under Schedule 2, Part 1 Section 2 or Section 5 of the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018.
Achieve a five star food hygiene rating you understand what you need to do to achieve and maintain a five star NFHR score, through our 'Gain or Retain 5' package.