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    Searching on ӻƮ Ȳݼǰ Ըӽ Ȯ Ծ߸ 10 777 ӽ Ȳݼ ٴ̾߱ found 301 results
    Page 1 of 31
    • Incredible Babies - a course for you and your baby

      Incredible Babies is a 10 week programme for you and your baby to attend together.

    • Aycliffe Secure Centre

      ...a secure children's home providing high quality, specialist secure accommodation for young people between the ages of 10 and 18.

    • Work experience in public health

      For a number of years, we have offered young people (in year 10 at school) the opportunity to learn about public health through work...

    • Incredible Years course

      Incredible Years is for parents and carers of children aged 3 to 10 years. It will give you knowledge and skills to understand your...

    • Seaham Conservation Area

      Seaham is 10 miles north east of the City of Durham and seven miles south of Sunderland. The town sits on the limestone cliffs overlooking...

    • Crook Conservation Area

      Crook is a market town about 10 miles south west of Durham City and stands at the junction of the A690 and A689, the principal roads...

    • Healthy Start

      If you're more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. You...

    • Apply for funding through the Derwent Valley AAP can apply for Total available Area budget (includes Welfare Reform Funding (£10K) and Youth Fund (£10K)) Projects that address...

    • Salaries

      When you come to work for us, your salary is worked out based on a pay grading system and you will see that our job adverts usually reference the pay grade alon...

    • Easington local land charges documents

      ...1 Register part 2 Register part 3 Register part 4 Register part 6 Register part 10 Smoke control plans We are legally required to...


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