Transport policy
Transport policies help us decide where best to spend money to improve transport for everyone.
Housing regeneration - partnerships, policies and plans
On this page you'll find details of partnerships, policies and plans which shape our approach to improving private sector housing in County...
Waste collection policies
...your needs and are good value for money. Our refuse and recycling (bin) collection policy supports this commitment and explains how we...
School transport policies and strategies
We have home to school/college transport policies and strategies that provide information and guidance for children and young people of...
Corporate Enforcement Policy
Our corporate enforcement policy outlines how we administer and enforce a range of legislation across a variety of services which helps...
Licensing Act 2003 Policy
The Licensing Act 2003 places a duty on us as a licensing authority to review our licensing policies at least every five years.
Procurement policy and strategy
We have a duty to manage our resources in the most efficient and effective manner to achieve long-term, sustainable solutions for the county and our residents.
View our planning policies
Find information on the plans and policies which support the decision-making process for planning applications.
Housing strategies and policies
We are responsible for producing and enabling the delivery of Durham's Housing Strategy. The strategy sets out the key priorities for the county.
Corporate Enforcement Policy consultation
Have your say on our revised Corporate Enforcement Policy which outlines how we administer and enforce a range of legislation across...