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See our Changes to County Durham bin collections at Christmas page to find out when your bin will be collected over the festive period.

Edmundbyers Conservation Area

Edmundbyers is a small historic village located towards the north-east corner of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

The village lies high on Edmundbyers Common, overlooking the Burnhope Burn. It is loose-knit, containing a village green which is probably a remnant of a once much larger green. A focal point is created with the convergence of roads adjacent to the Punchbowl Inn.

The village is 21 miles north west of Durham City and six miles west of Consett.

The Conservation Area was designated in November 1993, and amended in December 2011.

Edmundbyers Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Proposals

To ensure County Durham's conservation areas are properly managed, we are producing Conservation Area Appraisal documents that will help raise awareness of their special character and interest. The Edmundbyers Conservation Area Appraisal recommends ways to improve and manage change as well as providing an interesting history and snapshot of the area.

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