Return your Blue Badge
When you no longer need your blue badge, you must return it to us.
You must return the badge to us if any of the following apply:
- the badge has expired
- your medical condition or mobility improves and you no longer qualify for the blue badge
- a replacement badge has been issued for one that is lost or stolen and the original is found / recovered - then the original badge must be returned
- the badge becomes damaged or faded and is illegible
- the badge is no longer required, for example should you be confined to your home
Please also note that the badge should be returned to us if the badge holder is deceased.
If you continue to display the badge when you no longer need it you may be fined up to £1,000.
You can return it by post to:
Durham County Council
Blue Badge Team
PO Box 115
Green Lane,
County Durham.
DL16 9BX