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Apply for Universal Credit

We can not give you Universal Credit. You need to apply for it through the website.

Changes from legacy benefits to Universal Credit

If you live in County Durham and receive one of the legacy benefits of Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Income Support, Housing Benefit, income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) or income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) you will receive a Managed Migration Notice from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). This will happen on a phased basis from July 2023 onwards.

The current timetable from DWP is:

  • Tax Credits only claimants from July 2023.
  • Income Support and Tax Credit with Housing Benefit claimants from April 2024.
  • Housing Benefit only claimants from June 2024.
  • Income-related Employment Support Allowance with Child Tax Credit from July 2024.
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance claimants from September 2024. From August 2024 claimants over state pension age, depending on their circumstances, will be required to claim either Universal Credit or Pension Credit. If you are over state pension age, in most cases you can still claim Housing Benefit, but this will depend on your circumstances.
  • Income-related Employment Support Allowance claimants from September 2024.

The Migration Notice is a letter which will tell you that your legacy benefits will end and that you need to claim Universal Credit.

You can carry on receiving the legacy benefit as normal (including your annual renewal) until you receive this letter. The letter will give a deadline date giving you at least three months to claim Universal Credit. You must make a claim for Universal Credit by this date as you are not automatically transferred onto Universal Credit. If you need an extension because of your personal circumstances or to arrange some advice, in certain circumstances this may be possible. You can phone the telephone number on the letter to make a request for more time.

If the amount of Universal Credit would be less than what you were receiving on the legacy benefit you can get a top-up which means you are not worse off at the point of transfer.

If you get Tax Credits and have savings over £16,000, you should still apply for Universal Credit if you get a Managed Migration Notice because your savings over £16,000 will be ignored for 12 months.

If you need further advice about a Universal Credit Managed Migration Notice visit Benefits advice or help with a benefits appeal or for help making a claim contact Citizens Advice Help to Claim on 0800 144 8444.

For further information on the migration process please refer to the Move to Universal Credit by the Department for Works and Pensions.

After moving to Universal Credit help with council tax should still be claimed separately from us as Council Tax Reduction scheme.

Apply for Universal Credit online (

We can offer help to claim Universal Credit, whether it's to use a computer, or with your application.

Before you make your claim, you should have the following information:

  • your (and your partner's) National Insurance number
  • your postcode
  • your landlord's name and address
  • your eligible rent if you are living in social housing - this can be different from your full rent (make sure to check with your landlord so you get paid the right amount of Universal Credit)
  • details of any children / relatives / friends who live with you - including their name, date of birth, age and income
  • account details of where you want your Universal Credit to be paid - account number and sort code
  • details of any savings
  • if working - your expected monthly wage
  • details of any other income you receive
  • your own email address and mobile phone number

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