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Home from hospital service

Our Home from Hospital Service is completely free and could benefit anyone with anxieties about returning home after a stay in hospital. This includes accident and emergency departments.

Who this service is for

We provide free help and support for up to six weeks for people who are returning home after a stay in hospital and are:

  • aged 18 and over
  • in need of low level support (we do not provide personal care or befriending)
  • living in County Durham

What is included

Our service enables you to safely return home after being discharged from hospital and includes (but is not limited to):

  • preparation of light meals
  • ensuring your home is warm and tidy
  • a 'meet and greet' service
  • pop in's
  • support to develop confidence to remain independent
  • prescription collection
  • light housework
  • paperwork assistance to help with paying household bills
  • making appointments such as GP appointments
  • arranging transport for post hospital discharge and GP appointments
  • accompanying you on post discharge from hospital and GP appointments
  • identifying further health, social care or community services that you may benefit from
  • letting other relevant services know about you (with your permission)


We accept referrals (with customer consent) from:

  • hospital staff
  • GPs
  • Teams Around Patients (TAPs)
  • hospital discharge teams
  • multi-disciplinary teams
  • social care teams
  • family
  • carers

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