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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Road markings

Road markings are provided where there is a need to restrict parking to help traffic flow smoothly and to prevent obstructions on the road. We provide markings to give information to road users. Yellow road markings require a Traffic Regulation Order before they can be laid.

The Highway Code defines the types of road markings used on the road. Road markings warn and inform road users of approaching situations that will require them to take some form of action (for example, a solid white line in the centre of the carriageway means do not overtake). There are other warning lines on the road, such as stop or give way lines.

Yellow lines

Yellow and white lines are provided to help by giving different types of information on lane use and directions. 

  • Double yellow lines mean that parking restrictions are in place and that no waiting is allowed at any time.
  • Single yellow lines mean that waiting is not allowed during restricted hours (these hours are indicated on a sign plate alongside the lines and we would suggest you check along the length of the line for these plates). Outside these hours you can park on these lines.

Yellow lines apply from the centre of the road and include pavements and verges alongside the lines, which means that you can not park on the pavement or a verge alongside a yellow line.

If your vehicle is parked illegally on a single or double yellow line, you may be issued with a parking fine.

Picking up and dropping off passengers

You can stop on yellow lines to pick up passengers, but waiting for passengers is not allowed. When picking up or dropping off, you must stay with your vehicle at all times unless your passengers need help getting in and out of your vehicle.

Disabled parking permits (Blue Badges)

Blue badge holders can park for up to three hours on single or double yellow lines when no loading restrictions are in place and where the vehicle does not cause an obstruction. The blue badge must be displayed, and the clock must be set to the time of arrival.

Loading or unloading

Loading and unloading restrictions are shown by yellow markings on the kerb.

  • Single yellow kerb markings mean loading or unloading is restricted during the time shown on the sign plate situated next to the lines.
  • Double yellow kerb markings mean no loading or unloading at any time. 

Loading and unloading is considered to be taking place where items are being taken to and from a vehicle. This does not cover packing, unpacking or assembly, stopping to have a conversation, or going to the toilet. As soon as the last item is loaded or unloaded the vehicle must be moved to a parking place.

Parking enforcement waivers

Apply to park on yellow lines allow you to park a vehicle where restrictions are in place. It only applies to single or double yellow lines. It does not allow parking in bus stops, taxi ranks, school keep clears, disabled bays or where a loading ban applies.

A1(M), A66 and A19

These roads aren't maintained by us, but by Highways England. Contact Amey RTMC for the A1(M) and A66, and Autolink (01642 560 637) for the A19.

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