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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Apply to park on yellow lines

A parking waiver allows you to park a vehicle where restrictions are in place. It only applies to single or double yellow lines. It does not allow parking in bus stops, taxi ranks, school keep clears, disabled bays or where a loading ban applies.

Parking waivers will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and are not intended to provide 'convenience parking'. Parking a van containing tools or materials for the day's work, or a vehicle that carries workers to and from a site, are considered 'convenience parking'. These actions are covered by existing regulations for loading/unloading or setting down passengers.

The waiver will only be valid for one vehicle at any one time. If more than one vehicle is required on-site, then a separate parking waiver is required for each vehicle. A waiver is only valid for the vehicle for which it is issued. If the waiver is placed in a different vehicle, or if the waiver is changed or altered in any way, then it will be deemed invalid and a parking fine will be issued.

Genuine emergency situations will not be subject to the notice period.

Parking Enforcement Waiver Application Form (PDF, 123 KB)

A parking waiver application costs £20 per day. Applications must be received a minimum of seven days before the waiver start date and time should be added for delays caused by the post.

Time periods

A waiver is normally only granted for a single event on one day between predetermined hours. Under certain conditions they may be granted for up to seven consecutive days at a specific location, but for no longer. Further extensions will require new applications to be made to allow us to review the parking, traffic and safety situation.

You must move the vehicle if we ask, or the police or a utility company contractor asks. They are not required to offer any compensation or alternative parking place. If it is deemed necessary, a parking waiver may be withdrawn without notice if the police ask us to. Your contact details will be used to inform you in this instance.


We may check that the parking waiver is being used correctly.

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